This high frequency blend reminds us that we are loved and cherished by many people, and certainly by Heaven. It has a multitude of uses.
LeHeart Song has been of great benefit in treating depression. It is also useful in overcoming grief and trauma. Because it is a remedy for deep sorrow and grief, it makes a wonderful gift for anyone who has recently lost a loved one.
LeTranquility is the first line of defense against anxiety and panic attacks, but if it fails to work or needs a follow up,
LeHeart Song is the blend to use.
LeHeart Song is also helpful in stabilizing mood swings, relieving stress and tension, and helping one to relax.
You do not need to be suffering from depression or a recent loss to enjoy
LeHeart Song. This blend is wonderful for getting through a tough time or just making it to the end of a difficult day. It is also quite effective as a protection against negative energy.
Because of its effect on both the heart and the throat chakras,
LeHeart Song is of benefit to those who have difficulty expressing deep emotions or tend to laugh inappropriately when trying to express themselves about these things.
Physical Aspects
LeHeart Song is balancing to the electrical fields of the body and stabilizing to energy levels. Oddly enough, it brings relief from the pain and congestion of pleurisy and makes an excellent deodorant.