Coconut Oil Organic 16oz.


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This is a 16oz. extra virgin raw coconut oil and it is certified organic.  There are many wonderful things about coconut oil.  We love it that it will make our bread twice as moist!  It also lasts up to 15 years on the shelf life.  We often joke that it is a "Cure All."  We have used it for burns, infections, lotion, and many other things.  It works wonderfully and we have seen it help with a lot of our customers as well.  TRY IT OUT!  WE THINK YOU WILL BE PLEASED!
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Coconut Oil Organic 16oz.
John & Jennie's Bosch Kitchen Center
6261 Highland Dr.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
Phone: 801-272-9922
Fax: 801-272-2791
Toll Free: 1-888-400-4932